Newsflash!: Win Tickets to Chicano Batman @ 9:30 Club, 10/4/17

You love going to shows. I love giving you tickets to shows. It's a match made in heaven. Read on for how you can win some tickets.

I've been going to shows at the legendary 9:30 Club since I was a teenager, and have seen some of the best of the best grace that venerable stage. It is a pleasure to be offering a pair of tickets to the following upcoming 9:30/IMP show.

The self-professed psych/soul/tropicalia outfit Chicano Batman sounds like a party and a half, even when their fantastic noise is getting more than a little political. "While we are here on Earth, we should rejoice in its worth," says the band. I couldn't agree more. 

Chicano Batman is just about to get out there on the road in support of latest record Freedom is Free, and their tour is stopping in DC on 10/4 at the 9:30 Club. If you were thinking of going to the show (and why wouldn't you?!), have I got news for you!

I've got a pair of tickets that could be all yours to this heck of a show. To win the tickets, just email me and tell me why you should win. It's that easy! Play on my emotions, friends, and may the best entry win. 

Fine print: Contest is for two (2) tickets to this show. Contest ends at noon Eastern on Monday, 10/2/17. 

Good luck y'all!

[posted 9.20.17]


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