Sounds of Hopscotch 2015 #16: Ian William Craig

It's that time, y'all. Hopscotch time. Despite being a relative new kid on the festival block, with every year the Raleigh festivus gets bigger and harder to ignore. And I'm delighted to report that after a brief hiatus, your intrepid hostess will be venturing down I-85 to check out this year's impressive musical offerings. The only bummer is that I can't see every band the festival has to offer. These are my Hopscotch picks, imperative listening whether you're going to be in Raleigh this coming weekend or not.

As a lady of class and refinement, I've been to the opera a time or two in my day. But it's a rare happening to be able to discuss an opera singer for Fuzzy Logic. Vancouver (of the Canadian variety) fellow Ian William Craig just so happens to have been trained as such, though these days his efforts are less standard opera procedure than they are experimental. His compositions are otherworldly oddities, and can at times be quite breathtaking. 

[posted 9.9.15]


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