Video of The Day: Salad Boys

There’s a bunch of videos out there. Some of them are good. Some of them are a cut above. I like to think my picks for Video Of The Day are a cut (or two) above.

There's something delightfully obtuse about the clip for "Dream Date," from New Zealanders Salad Boys. In it, boy and his microphone frolic around the NZ countryside, while the jangly machinations of the song steamroll along gleefully. It's a rather dreamy little song, I think you'll agree. 

The Boys are hitting the road in the US this fall, and alas, will not be coming to the DC metro. I still love them, though, despite this oversight. 

[posted 8.29.15]


  1. he's a lumberjack and he's ok!
    oops, srry, that was pretty irrelevant...


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