Sounds of Secret Stages 2015 #8: Raindeer
One of these years, by heaven, I'll make it down to Birmingham for Secret Stages. Sadly, it won't be this year, so once again I'll be missing out on the great lineup the festival folks have put together for the fifth iteration of this special event. Nevertheless, your lady friend has done some scoping out of the lineup, and of course I have some recommendations. If you're doing Secret Stages, check these folks out. If you're not, check 'em out anyway!
Baltimore never ceases to amaze me with the amount of talent that resides within the city limits. Take Raindeer, for example. The band concocts a breathy, soft sound with clear 50s-60s pop influences that's shot through with a delightful, fuzzy clamor that's a little off the straight and narrow (and is all the better for it). Very much worth spending some time with.
[posted 8.1.15]
Baltimore never ceases to amaze me with the amount of talent that resides within the city limits. Take Raindeer, for example. The band concocts a breathy, soft sound with clear 50s-60s pop influences that's shot through with a delightful, fuzzy clamor that's a little off the straight and narrow (and is all the better for it). Very much worth spending some time with.
[posted 8.1.15]
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