The Untitled Interview #144 – BiMA.fest Edition: Starring Casey Harvey (Thrushes)

It's just about that time, to once again venture up the I-95 corridor to partake in some Baltimorean musical hijinks at the BiMA.fest 2011. After last year's fun, my expectations are high. I spoke with a few of the bands you need to know about playing BiMA.fest this year about all things festivus.

So Hurricane Irene kinda ruined my plans for getting back up to Baltimore last night, what with all that wind and rain and falling of trees, which means I missed the most excellent Charm City locals Thrushes, but thankfully I'd seen them before (and will be seeing them again soon!). Even so, missing their crushingly loud, painfully pretty brand of shoegazey fuzz makes me more than a little sad. Stupid hurricane. Below, guitarist Casey Harvey talks fests. And hurricane preparedness.

Fuzzy Logic:
Band you're most looking forward to seeing at the festival?

Casey Harvey:
The Office of Future Plans! DC people take note this is J Robbins from Jawbox's new project and they have a new record coming out on Dischord!

What was the first festival you ever attended, either as a musician or member of the general public?
CH: Lollapolooza when it first started in like '91 or '92.

What would you advise the out-of-towners to see/do while they're in Baltimore?
Stock up on hurricane preparedness kits before you hit the American Visionary Art Museum then have a pizza pie at Matthews.

Favorite thing about festivals?
Festival food.

Best Baltimore-centric song?
CH: I don't know any really, seems like there should be a Mountain Goats song like "Going to Baltimore." I'll say "The Star Spangled Banner," which was of course written right here in Charm City!

mp3: Into The Woods (Thrushes - more here) (thanks, SleepWalking!)


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