The Untitled Interview #138 – BiMA.fest Edition: Starring Dave Mann (Mittenfields)

First up, one of the locals I gush the most about: Mittenfields. But there is good reason for all that gushing. Their sound is so intricate, so detailed, and oh yes, so very loud. In DC they stand alone, and that, friends, is fact. Below, founding member/bassist/howler Dave Mann opines on the festival experience. If you're heading to Baltimore tomorrow, please bring Dave some hipster shades.
Fuzzy Logic: Inevitably, you will forget to bring:
Dave Mann: My hipster sunglasses to wear in a almost dark venue.
FL: Band you're most looking forward to seeing at the festival?
DM: Gary B's old band that is having a reunion the night of our show at The Wind-Up Space. If Gary B & The Notions were playing that night, then I'd be looking forward to that show. We are only in Baltimore for that night and I do not plan on leaving The Wind-Up Space.
FL: What's the first thing you plan on doing upon arrival in Baltimore?
DM: Soundcheck?
FL: What was the first festival you ever attended, either as a musician or member of the general public?
DM: Probably Night In Old San Antonio (NIOSA) in San Antonio, TX (where I grew up). I don't remember what bands played but it wouldn't matter because there would have been a language barrier and I wasn't tall enough to climb that wall.
FL: Favorite thing about festivals?
DM: Being able to see crowds of people showing up for these shows that they wouldn't normally go to if it were just a one-off. Safety in numbers, I guess.
Mittenfields plays Day 1 of BiMA.fest.
mp3: Cascades (Mittenfields from The Fresh Sum EP)
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