Megan's Top 18 of 2008 - #18 - Cut Copy

My little list of the top 18 albums of 2008 kicks off with Cut Copy's In Ghost Colours. It's an album that will always feel like late April nights in the Southern California desert to me, partially because of the band's appearance at Coachella but partially because of the vibe of the songs. In Ghost Colours is big and dramatic, filled with all the 80s-ish synths your little heard could desire and all the right beats to get you in the mood for some serious throwdown on the dancefloor. And yet, there are also subtle, whisper-in-your-ear moments that give the record added depth.

The album is executed to perfection, with impeccable production and attention to detail. The band also gets bonus points for being able to replicate the awesomeness of the record in their live shows. When I first wrote about In Ghost Colours, I thought of Cut Copy as a sort of Australian New Order. Months later, I think that's still pretty apt. I can't wait to hear what they come up with next.

Here's a clip of one of my favorite tracks off In Ghost Colours, "Hearts on Fire."


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