The Fashionably Late Top 125 of 2019: Omni

Another rough year corresponded to another bumper crop of excellent music. Once again, my list is huge, because I fell in love with each of these 125 records and found it impossible to not include all of them in my fashionably late list.

I'm choosing to post my favorites in alpha order from A-Z again this year. You'll probably find some records that everyone and their fifth cousin raved about, but I hope you'll also find a few records that might be new to you, and that you'll fall in love with them as much as I have.

My thanks, as always, to the artists who created these records.


Who: Omni

What: Networker

When: November 2019

Where: Sub Pop Records

Why: Atlanta's Omni shot me right through the heart with their first Sub Pop offering, Networker, a tightly-wound, Gang of Four-referencing record full of nervy post-punk that's also, somewhat surprisingly, seemingly hiding a secret love for songs like "Mr. Blue Sky." The mellowing of the band's sharp edges with vintage warmth makes for some pretty interesting sounds, and from a lyrical standpoint, "I feel a mite insatiable," from the buoyant "Genuine Person," is very probably one of my favorite lyrics of all time. 

[posted 3.31.20]


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