Newsflash!: Win Tickets to Ra Ra Riot @ U Street Music Hall, 8/18/18
You love going to shows. I love giving you tickets to shows. It's a match made in heaven. Read on for how you can win you some tickets to a great show.
It's an absolute pleasure to be offering a pair of tickets to the following upcoming IMP show.
These days, a lot of bands don't survive to their 10th anniversary. Thankfully Ra Ra Riot has reached that milestone and keeps on ticking.
The New York State band's debut long player, The Rhumb Line, is turning 10 in a matter of weeks, and the band is out on the road feting this anniversary.
The anniversary dates are few, but a certain city just so happens to be on the schedule. And yours truly has a pair of tickets to offer up to the Ra Ra Riot show at the U Street Music Hall on Saturday, August 18th.
To win the tickets, send me an email telling me your favorite song from The Rhumb Line (with a bit of exposition as to why your favorite is your favorite). The most compelling entry will win the tickets.
If you feel impatient and want to get your hands on tickets now (always advisable), go ahead and follow this link to get your fill, and be ready to dance the night away!
FINE PRINT: Contest is for two (2) tickets to this here show. Contest closes at noon Eastern on Thursday, 8/16/18. Good luck!
It's an absolute pleasure to be offering a pair of tickets to the following upcoming IMP show.
These days, a lot of bands don't survive to their 10th anniversary. Thankfully Ra Ra Riot has reached that milestone and keeps on ticking.
The New York State band's debut long player, The Rhumb Line, is turning 10 in a matter of weeks, and the band is out on the road feting this anniversary.
The anniversary dates are few, but a certain city just so happens to be on the schedule. And yours truly has a pair of tickets to offer up to the Ra Ra Riot show at the U Street Music Hall on Saturday, August 18th.
To win the tickets, send me an email telling me your favorite song from The Rhumb Line (with a bit of exposition as to why your favorite is your favorite). The most compelling entry will win the tickets.
If you feel impatient and want to get your hands on tickets now (always advisable), go ahead and follow this link to get your fill, and be ready to dance the night away!
FINE PRINT: Contest is for two (2) tickets to this here show. Contest closes at noon Eastern on Thursday, 8/16/18. Good luck!
[posted 8.4.18]
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