Bands On Film: Prettiest Eyes @ DC9, 5/24/18
I confess, I was not at all prepared for just how much Prettiest Eyes was going to shiver me timbers. But this Los Angeles triad did just that and then some. They were a great pairing for the onslaught of A Place to Bury Strangers, all mystical and magnetic and marvelously noisy. As kooky and spooky and wonderful as they are on record, it's on stage that these three really shine. Their collective persona is so very appealing; a non-stop party of pulling faces for the crowd, climbing on the drums, shaking hips, and generally making sure everyone is engaged and having a daggum good time. Basically, if you're not having a good time at a Prettiest Eyes show, you might not have a pulse. These showmen are something else, and they're totally unmissable.
[photos copyright Megan Petty]
[posted 6.5.18]
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