Newsflash!: Win Tickets to WHY? @ U Street Music Hall, 2/9/18

You love going to shows. I love giving you tickets to shows. It's a match made in heaven. Read on for how you can win some tickets.

I really can't think of a reason not to want to see WHY?. Weird wonderfulness and wonderful weirdness emanate from the Cincinnati outfit's music, sounds that incorporate all manner of genres and all manner of noise into one limitless, technicolor aural universe.

The band is in DC at the U Street Music Hall on February 9, and it's probably a show you should go to.

Fortunately, I can make that easier for you, seeing as I have a pair of tickets to the show that might just have your name on them. To win the WHY? tickets, send me an email and tell me why you should win. Why not enter, eh?

FINE PRINT: Contest is for two (2) tickets to this here show. Contest closes at noon Eastern on Wednesday, 2/7/18. Winner will be notified on 2/7/18.  

[posted 1.31.18]


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