Singles Club: Karl Blau + Strange Phases + Yumi Zouma

Consider Singles Club your musical matchmaker. I do hope you'll give all these ready to mingle bachelors and bachelorettes your ear as you listen to some new favorite tunes. Read on in the hopes of finding your musical love connection.

The Richmond connection (i.e. Matthew E. White/Spacebomb Studios) involved in Karl Blau's new record Out Her Space drew me in, and the quirky, hooky throwback noise of "Beckon" won me over. It's good night music, with a little warbling crooning and some hot lounge vibes. I'm looking forward to hearing more from this record.    

There's something spectral about Strange Phases in "Something in The Water," something full of mystery and some sort of great unknown. Born in LA, the song carries a hefty, hazy presence that sits somewhere in the ballpark of sun-drenched stupor and languid waking dream.   

Yumi Zouma is currently to be found touring the US, promoting new record Willowbank. In "December," the New Zealand outfit purrs along with some seriously potent daydream pop, lithe and lovely and addictive.  

[posted 10.25.17]


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