Good Cover Version: Gang of Youths Does David Bowie

Pulp gave the world the song "Bad Cover Version." But seeing as I'm a sonic optimist, I'm of the belief that there's more likely than not more good cover versions floating around than bad ones. Good Cover Version celebrates the good, and leaves all that bad and ugly stuff alone.

With flourishes of strings and impassioned, warbling vocals, Gang of Youths's cover of David Bowie's "Heroes" is certainly dramatic. The Antipodean cover antics build and build to a clamor of a climax, though throughout the song there's a reverential respect and care given to this always and forever classic. There's a yearning and a tension in this interpretation that's really special. And just like that it's over, like the wink of a blue (or brown) eye.    

[posted 10.14.17]


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