Sounds of Secret Stages 2017 #19: Wolfpack ATL

Alabama in August is a pretty hot place, and it's not just because of the heat (and the humidity). Secret Stages has been keeping things hot in Birmingham for years, staying true to their mission of showcasing musical talent from across the South (and beyond). This year is no different. If you're free August 4-5, you might just take a jaunt down to Bham to check out this Dixie dandy.

Of all the bands on the Secret Stages roster this year, Wolfpack ATL is probably one of the most fun. With a bevy of brass, this sizable outfit is full-on, improvisational jazzed-up goodness. Creative Loafing bestowed upon them the honor of "Best Band to Blow the Roof off the Joint," so you know that when they're onstage it's going to be a little bit nuts. In the best possible way. 

[posted 8.5.17]


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