Video of The Day: Placebo

There's a bunch of videos out there. Some of them are good. Some of them are a cut above. I like to think my picks for Video of The Day are a cut (or two) above.

Years ago I was a huge Placebo fan. It's not that I'm not still a huge Placebo fan, just that I don't listen to them as much as I once did. Which is a crying shame. Last night I put on the album Without You I'm Nothing, a firm favorite in the early Naughties, and to my surprise I might like it even more than I did back then. It's aged rather well. "Every You Every Me" is one of my very favorite songs from the record, and this alternate version of the song's video is goes along with the dramatic tension quite well. Also, how can I not show you a video involving a Gemini Club, where there's pairs of slinky people doing dodgy things?   

[posted 4.13.17]


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