Video of The Day: The Palma Violets

There’s a bunch of videos out there. Some of them are good. Some of them are a cut above. I like to think my picks for Video Of The Day are a cut (or two) above.

If you're in the anti-holiday mood, this here video from The Palma Violets might just be right up your alley. "Last Christmas on Planet Earth" is darkly poppy, sounding for all the world like a popular Christmas single but only if you're not paying close attention. "Rudolph got shot down over Georgia/and we ain't gonna see the like of him again," the band deadpans in lyrics that are only just kidding. 

The video itself feels very 90s buzz bin, and features possible dismemberment. Not the most feel-good of holiday ditties, that's for sure, but still a bloody good listen (especially if you've got holiday hangover).  

[posted 12.26.15]


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