The Week In Shows: 3/16-3/22

Top of the morning, friends! A gloomy Monday morning just before St. Patty's Day seems as good a time as any to plot ones weekly live music schedule, I think. Let's take a look at what's happening in the greater DC metro this week, shall we? Hot diggity!

We're halfway through March already! Goodness me, where does the time go. Let's take a gander at who's coming to the DC area this week. Remember, y'all, each week I'll be picking one show that is my seriously, go to this recommended show of the week. And here we go, a look at some recommended shows for the coming week. Oh, and happy green beer drinking day! 

MONDAY, 3/16/15

-Perfect Pussy + Skating Polly + Baby Bry Bry & The Apologists (Black Cat) (Extra Recommended!)

TUESDAY, 3/17/15

-Perfume Genius + Jenny Hval (Black Cat)

WEDNESDAY, 3/18/15

-Young Widows + Shannon Wright + The Austerity Program (DC9)

THURSDAY, 3/19/15

-Polyon + Solids + Stronger Sex (DC9)

FRIDAY, 3/20/15

-Sunbathers + Yo No Say + Sealab (Velvet Lounge)
-J. Roddy Walston & The Business + Jessica Hernandez & The Deltas (9:30 Club - SOLD OUT)

SATURDAY, 3/21/15

-Trunkweed + Echo Courts + BRNDA (Bathtub Republic)

[posted 3.16.15]


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