The Fashionably Late Top 60 of 2014 #60: Perfect Pussy

2014 was quite a year. Not the best of years, on a personal level, but a rather good year from a music standpoint. Having given a listen to record after record after record from the year that was, I’ve pulled together a list of favorites, finding it next to impossible to whittle the list down any further beyond 60 (I tried). In this group of 60 you’ll find records from old, faithful friends, upstart newcomers, and even a headscratcher or two. You’ll probably see some records that were a Big Deal not on this list. I either didn’t bite or didn’t buy the hype. I’m pleased as punch with this list, and I hope you’ll come across something that might have otherwise passed you by. And so, without further ado, my favorite records of 2014.

WHO: Perfect Pussy

WHAT: Say Yes to Love

WHEN: March 2014

WHERE: Captured Tracks

WHY: Perfect Pussy’s somewhat risqué name might sound like it should be some kind of R. Kelly song, but there’s no bump and grind here. And then there’s the album title, Say Yes to Love, which could easily give you the wrong idea. There’s no lovey-dovey sap in sight. Just loud, frantic shocks of jagged, knife-edge arty punk noise. Recommended if you like it a bit messy, aggressive, and badass.

My jams: “Driver,” “Big Stars,” “Interference Fits,” “Advance Upon The Real”

[posted 3.10.15]


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