Sounds of SXSW 2015 #5: Nightmare Air

It's getting to be that time of year again, y'all. That time in March when spring is tantalizingly close, and when bands from just about every corner of the earth (and the music press who loves them) gathers in Austin for SXSW. I know some folks think it's just a big industry schmooze-fest, but I still get a thrill out of checking out the (massive) list of bands and finding someone new to fall in smit with. The bands I'm profiling this year are bands that I would definitely seek out were I going to SXSW this year. If you're going to Austin, or even if you're not, give them a listen.

I was a HUGE fan of the atmospheric noise made by Film School, and so Nightmare Air's inclusion on this list was pretty much automatic. Nightmare Air carries on the glorious noisy tradition of Film School, but takes it even further into haunting soundscapes. Prepare to be bedeviled.

[posted 3.4.15]


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