The Week In Shows: 1/19-1/25

A chilly Saturday morning as the sun comes up seems as good a time as any to plot ones weekly live music schedule, I think. Let's take a look at what's happening in the greater DC metro this week, shall we? Hot diggity!

It's seriously cold out there. Winter is really getting her digs in at every turn. But as long as we have no serious snow, I'm fine. I guess. Thankfully, bands seem to be immune to cold weather and still plot tours when the weather outside is frightful, and that's just delightful. Here's my picks for this week. And remember, y'all, each week I'll be picking one show that is my seriously, go to this recommended show of the week. And here we go, a look at some recommended shows for the coming week.

TUESDAY, 1/20/15

-Show Pont + Caustic Casanova + Wet Socks + Curse Words (Velvet Lounge) 

WEDNESDAY, 1/21/15

-Israel Nash + Dead Professional (DC9)

THURSDAY, 1/22/15

-Lia Ices + Seoul (DC9)
-Dr. Dog + US Royalty (9:30 Club - SOLD OUT)

FRIDAY, 1/23/15

-Dr. Dog + Spirit Family Reunion (9:30 Club)
-Black Clouds + The Effects + Wanted Man (Rock & Roll Hotel)
-Hamilton Leithauser + Bully (U Street Music Hall)
-Wings Denied + Tone + Technicians + Cryptodira (Black Cat)

SATURDAY, 1/24/15

-Greenland + Chief Scout + Concord America + Hey Rocco (Paper Haus)
-Expert Alterations + Wildhoney + Big Hush + Myrrh Myrrh (Above The Bayou)
-Lighting Fires + Clones of Clones (Iota)

SUNDAY, 1/25/15

-DC Record Fair (Penn Social)
-Billy Idol + Broncho (Lincoln Theatre - SOLD OUT)(Recommended!)
-Baby Bry Bry & The Apologists + BRNDA + What Moon Things + The Sea Life (U Street Music Hall)
-Ben Howard + Hiss Golden Messenger (9:30 Club - SOLD OUT)

[posted 1.17.15]


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