The Week In Shows: 8/25-8/31

An overcast, potentially rainy, and quite sleepy Sunday morning seems as good a time as any to plot ones weekly live music schedule, I think. Let's take a look at what's happening in the greater DC metro this week, with the added bonus of filling you in on what I may or may not be taking in over the course of this abbreviated week. Hot diggity!

I still feel like all I do these days is work and sleep, y'all. And listen to music, of course. These are my picks for your upcoming week, friends, so I hope you'll seriously consider attending a few of these, though the week is a little light as we gear up for Labor Day weekend. And you never know, I just might see you out and about during the week. Your blogstress just might be at shows indicated with a star.

MONDAY, 8/25/14

-Frog Eyes + PS I Love You (DC9)

TUESDAY, 8/26/14

-Humble Fire + Louis Weeks + Swimming + Real Clothes (Paperhaus)

WEDNESDAY, 8/27/14

-Windhand, Disciples of Christ, Citadel (Black Cat)

THURSDAY, 8/28/14

-The Handsome Family + Richard Buckner (Iota)
-Crocodiles + SISU + Shark Week (Comet Ping Pong)**
-The Polyphonic Spree + Soft Cat (Black Cat)

FRIDAY, 8/29/14

-Kohoutek + Max Ochs + Rat Bastard + Insect Factory (Velvet Lounge)

SATURDAY, 8/30/14

-Odonis Odonis (The Pinch)
-Perfect Pussy + Joanna Gruesome + Potty Mouth + Love of Everything (Rock & Roll Hotel)**
-Hollis Brown (National Building Museum)

SUNDAY, 8/31/14

-Spoonboy + Bellows + Eskimeaux (Black Cat)

[posted 8.24.14]


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