Album Review: Sultan Bathery - "Self-Titled"

I'm all manner of in smit with Sultan Bathery, y'all. They came into my world billed as "Italian freakbeat swamis" peddling "reverb soaked psychedelic garage pop," and with an introduction like that I was sure I would love them even before I checked out their debut LP "Self-Titled." I'm pleased to report the record is as advertised, and probably even better than I expected.

"Self-Titled" has it all, as far as I'm concerned (even a Baudelaire reference). This record is a ferocious romp through nervy, clever psych-drenched jolts of garage songs, and as far as I'm concerned Sultan Bathery can do no wrong. They've got the drone thing just right. They've got the gritty fuzz just so. They've got the perfect amount of swagger in their collective trousers. And there seems to be an ever-present hint of being just about ready to abandon the realm of catchy, perfunctory songs for drugged-out, indulgent ravages on the senses. As it stands, the senses get barraged good and plenty, thank you very much.  

It's safe to say that when these three dudes get together, psychedelic garage pop magic most definitely happens. Strongly recommended listening for my fellow lovers of all things psych/garage/just plain noisy.

[posted 8.6.14]


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