Video Of The Day: M185

There’s a bunch of videos out there. Some of them are good. Some of them are a cut above. I like to think my picks for Video Of The Day are a cut (or two) above.

Y'all know I have a thing about pedals. So when a video comes along that stars a dude dressed as a pedal...let's just say it was meant to be. The video in question comes from awesome Austrians M185 for their awesome "Soon," a grimy, scuzzy little rock ditty that sounds a little like those great rock songs you used to listen to back when while also sounding perfectly and so very of the right now. And damned if it's not catchy as hell.  

Did I mention there's a dude in Big Muff headgear?

I love the song, and I love the video. This won't be the last you hear of M185 around these parts.

[posted 7.31.14]


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