The Week In Shows: 3/3-3/9

Another afternoon before another stupid snowfall is as good a time as any to plot ones weekly live music schedule, I think. Let's take a look at what's happening in the greater DC metro this week, with the added bonus of filling you in on what I may or may not be taking in over the course of the week. Hot diggity!

I don't know about y'all, but I'm kinda sick of being kinda sick of the weather. We're battening down hatches for more snow, and this is before the entirety of that other obnoxious snowfall is out of sight. So take this week's schedule with a grain of salt (or snow melt), because Mama Nature just doesn't wanna play nice. Below you'll find some recommendations for your calendar for the coming week, and you just might see me out and about, at anything that's starred. Let's see what the first full week of March has to offer (besides shitty weather, that is).

MONDAY, 3/3/14

-Weekend + Nothing + Lorelei (Black Cat)**
-Yellow Ostrich + Pattern Is Movement (DC9)
-Pree + White Gold + Raccoon Fighter + Pleasure Curses (The Dunes)
-The Men + Ukiah Drag + Dead Women + No Evils (Rock & Roll Hotel)
-Ski Lodge + The Belle Game + Starlight Girls (6th & I)

TUESDAY, 3/4/14

-Landlady (Kennedy Center Millennium Stage)
-Public Service Broadcasting + Harness Flux (Black Cat)
-J. Roddy Walston & The Business + The So So Glos (U Street Music Hall)
-Miniature Tigers + Bear Hands + Total Slacker (DC9)


-Ex Hex + Foul Swoops (Black Cat)
-Hawk & Dove + The Baby Grand + Stereoriots (Velvet Lounge)
-Zappa Plays Zappa (Birchmere)

THURSDAY, 3/6/14

-Speedy Ortiz + Pile + The Big Ups (Black Cat)
-Small Black + Oberhofer (Rock & Roll Hotel)
-Cheetahs + Eternal Summers (U Street Music Hall)

FRIDAY, 3/7/14

-We Were Promised Jetpacks + Honeyblood (Black Cat)
-East Ghost + Playground Etiquette + Black Checker (Velvet Lounge)
-Young Rapids + Zula + Friend Roulette + Joe Degeorge (Paperhaus)

SATURDAY, 3/8/14

-England In 1819 + The Walking Sticks (DC9)
-You Monster + Dads + The NRIs + Green River Junction (Rock & Roll Hotel)
-Cuddle Magic + Sam McCormally (Tree House Lounge)

SUNDAY, 3/9/14

-Broken Bells + Au Revoir Simone (9:30 Club - SOLD OUT)

[posted 3.2.14]


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