The Fashionably Late Top 60 of 2013: #58 – The ACBs

When it comes to year-end lists, y'all know I don't mess around. I don't post my picks from the previous year for weeks after the next year has started. In 2013 there was a bounty of music that entered the world that made me deliriously happy to be blessed with the sense of sound. So I have pondered, marinated, and contemplated for weeks. Music from 2013 has been digested for breakfast, lunch, and dinner (and yes, even dessert). And now, friends, it's time. Time to share with you what I consider the cream of one heck of a crop indeed. You might see things omitted here that you think should be on a Best Of list. This list isn't what I think you want to read. This list is what I feel about last year. These are records and songs that really mattered to me for one reason or another. If it's not here, I either didn't spend enough time with it or just didn't love it quite enough. A big, big thank you to all of the artists who created the music on this list, the music that I fell in love with last year.


WHAT: Little Leaves

WHEN: March 2013

WHERE: High Dive 

WHY: Who knew that pretty dang good, seriously fun poppy music could be found in Kansas City? I sure didn't, but that's exactly what I discovered with The ACBs and their stellar little LP Little Leaves. It's kicky, punchy good times on this record, y'all. These are songs that tend to make you want to get up and do a little shimmy around the room (yes, it happened to me once or twice). At times the band sounds Scandinavianly cool ("Feel Winter" comes to mind), and the overall effect is totally charming. A great listen. 

MY JAMS: "Surface" "Attic Fan" "Feel Winter" "Record Store" "Television"

[posted 2.7.14]


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