Newsflash!: Win Tickets to Gringo Star @ Black Cat 11/21!
Those wacky Atlanta boys in Gringo Star are probably some of my favorite dudes to see do their thing live. I try to see them whenever they roll into town, because I know I'll never be disappointed.
If you also dig on that retro, sassy jangle the Gringos make, today might just be your lucky day. You see, friends, yours truly has a pair of tickets that might just have your name on 'em. If you have Gringo love, pay attention. To win these wonderful tickets to see the wonderful Gringo Star at the wonderful Black Cat this Thursday night, merely pop an email into my inbox telling me why you want to go to the show. Simple as pie. Just make sure you get me that email no later than 5pm tomorrow (11/20).
Good luck, y'all! I'll be seeing someone's lucky face at the Black Cat in a couple days.
If you also dig on that retro, sassy jangle the Gringos make, today might just be your lucky day. You see, friends, yours truly has a pair of tickets that might just have your name on 'em. If you have Gringo love, pay attention. To win these wonderful tickets to see the wonderful Gringo Star at the wonderful Black Cat this Thursday night, merely pop an email into my inbox telling me why you want to go to the show. Simple as pie. Just make sure you get me that email no later than 5pm tomorrow (11/20).
Good luck, y'all! I'll be seeing someone's lucky face at the Black Cat in a couple days.
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