The Untitled Interview #194: Starring Dangerosa

So there's a little show going down this Friday night. You might have heard about it. One of the bands involved in this soiree is DC's own Dangerosa. Movers and shakermakers of a splendid brand of loud, expansive, chanteuse-driven noise with quite a few groove and psychedelically-inclined overtones, the band can and will tear up any stage you put them on. They're also some of my favorite local types. They are not to be missed. 

It was a late night post-practice when the band tackled the questions below, and their answers represent a collective speaking as one. Read on to see what floats their boat, from the Beatles to shutting the fuck up to the other, historical Dangerosa. And make sure you see this foursome get down to it this coming Friday at the one and only Velvet Lounge.  

Fuzzy Logic: How the hell are you?
Dangerosa: Good, tired, sweaty from practice.

FL: What was the last song you listened to?
D: "
Song for the Deaf," Queens of the Stone Age.

FL: Playing music is: 
D: Therapeutic.

FL: What album most made you realize you wanted to make music?
D: Chang: Slayer - Reigning Blood
Dave: Marilyn Manson - Portrait of An American Family
Will: Archers of Loaf - Icky Mettle
Ave: Jeff Buckley - Grace

FL: Beatles or Stones?
D: Beatles (sorry Keith).

FL: Top 5 albums (of now, of this month, or of ever): 
D: 2013
Deafheaven - Sunbather
King Krule - 6 Ft Beneath the Moon
Doldrums - Lesser Evil
Toro y Moi - Anything in Return
Unknown Mortal Orchestra - II

FL: Favorite music-related movie?
D: Singles.

FL: Half-full or half-empty?
D: Smashed in favor of the bottle.

FL: Which of your peers do you think is making the best music these days?
D: The Rememberables, Drop Electric, Miyazaki, Go Cozy, Redline Graffiti, Technophobia, Heavy Breathing.

FL: What’s the first thing you think when you wake up in the morning?
D: Murray and Paul's breakfast.

FL: Little-known Dangerosa fact?
D: Only other use of the name is a 12th century duchess who was married to William of Acquitane but left him for William the Troubadour, so there is that...

FL: The greatest record store in the world is:
D: Harvest Records, Asheville, NC.

FL: Shaken or stirred?
D: No martinis but we are more stirred.

FL: Best piece of advice you’ve ever been given?

FL: If you weren’t in a band you’d be:
D: Farmers/survivalists.

FL: If you were so inclined, whom would you form a tribute band in honor of?
D: Funkadelic.

FL: Best song ever written?
D: "Purple Rain."


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