Newsflash!: Win Tickets to Mount Kimbie @ Black Cat 10/9

I'm kind of enjoying giving out goodies, so let's just go ahead and keep this train moving along, shall we?

This one will be of particular interest to those of you who enjoy cutting a rug, shaking your tailfeathers, and just generally getting your dancefloor moves on. Mount Kimbie is coming from Britannia to make you dance, and you can hereby win a pair of tickets to said dance-a-thon that will take place at the one and only Black Cat. Interested? I figured you would be.

To win, just shoot me an email and tell me why you wanna go. That's it. Best answer gets the gold, so don't play it straight y'all. Contest closes at 5pm (Eastern) on 10/8, so be sure to get your entries in by then.

Buena suerte, y'all!  


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