Free For All: Shark Week

Times are tough out there, and for many of us buying music has become quite an indulgence (albeit a necessary one). Happily, there are some lovely musician folk out there that have offered up some fruits of their labors to the masses, free of charge. Free For All celebrates these wonderful people, and you, dear reader types.

Shark Week is winding down, friends. If you're getting close to having your fill of big-finned apex predators (me too), I'd like to share a little something that shares a name but has a decidedly longer shelf life: Shark Week. I'm newly converted to the cult of the believers of this DC outfit, and I have to say I think they're quite special. Just the right amount of sleaze courses through their 2012 three-song EP, and the muddy scuzz and bitingly clever lyrics hit all the right, gritty notes. Terrifically trashy,  this EP proves quite a worthwhile repeat listen.


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