The Fashionably Late Top 50 of 2012: #43 - Males

When it comes to year-end lists, y'all know I don't mess around. I don't post my picks from the previous year for weeks after the next year has started. In 2012, there was a bounty of music that entered the world that made me deliriously happy to be blessed with the sense of sound. So I pondered, marinated, and contemplated for weeks. Music from 2012 has been digested for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. And now, friends, it's time. Time to share with you what I consider the cream of quite a crop indeed. You might see things omitted here that you think should be on a Best Of list. This list isn't what I think you want to read. This list is what I feel about last year. If it's not here, I either didn't spend enough time with it or just didn't love it enough. A big thank you to all of the artists who created the music that I fell in love with last year.

WHO: Males

WHAT: MalesMalesMales

WHEN: July 2012

WHERE: Self-released

WHY: I do believe it's about time for some Kiwis. Lively, silly, bouncy, and ridiculously catchy jams are what you'll find on the four-track MalesMalesMales EP. Poppy with that New Zealand indie pedigree noticeably present, Males has made me happy with this here EP. Love it and then some.

MY JAM: "All Up From Here"


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