The Untitled Interview #188 - Hopscotch Edition: Starring Rene Villanueva (Hacienda)

As y'all know, I had a rather enjoyable time down in Raleigh last year for my first ever Hopscotch, and it was so very good that I just had to go back again this year! The lineup looks frighteningly good, which means that yours truly will be making some seriously difficult decisions about how to spend her time. And of course, I had to get in touch with some folks that I was super excited about getting a chance to see in this installment of the festival. If you’ll be down for Hopscotch this year, make sure you keep these bands on your radar. And now, friends, let's get into it with this year's INTERVIEWSCOTCH!

Sometimes, when I see the word Hacienda, I can't help but let my mind wander to Manchester and the venerable Factory Records scene. This Hacienda, however, is of a different stripe. Compatriots of those wicked blues flame-throwers The Black Keys, San Antonio's Hacienda cuts a well-fitted cloth with their sharp, snappy blues rock and daggum roll. Read on to see how bassist Rene Villanueva keeps it real during festival season, and how a makeshift setlist of some sort may have been involved.

Fuzzy Logic: How are you getting to Hopscotch: plane, train, or automobile?
Rene Villanueva: We are arriving by 15 passenger party wagon.

FL: Inevitably, you will forget to pack:
RV: We always forget to pack a setlist.

FL: How many shows/parties will you be playing?
RV: Playing a prefect pair.

FL: Band you're most looking forward to seeing at the festival?
RV: Roots/ Jesus and Mary Chain.

FL: What's the first thing you plan on doing upon arrival in Raleigh?
RV: Ribs and a case of Cheer Wine.

FL: What was the first festival you ever attended, either as a musician or member of the general public?
RV: Austin City Limits!

FL: Favorite thing about festivals?
RV: Love seeing the variety of music, and the people that come out. Festivals always have such a great vibe.

[photo by West Vita]


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