Sounds of Liverpool Psych Fest #5: Hookworms
It is a happy time indeed, friends, when psychedelic music is enjoying such popularity, as it is these days. Bacchanals celebrating this favored genre of yours truly are popping up all over the place (most notably in Austin, of course), but such a festival has recently popped up on my radar from across the pond. Obviously, I would love to be in England for the Liverpool Psych Fest (full official fancy name: Liverpool International Festival of Psychedelia), but since I can’t be there, these are some of the bands that I find most appealing.
Way back in April, whilst in Harrisonburg, in between talk of Pumas and burritos, my friend Marty told me about a band he thought I'd like. The band was called Hookworms, and lo and behold, my loves, Marty was all sorts of right. I like to think that this is partially because the band is reminiscent of his own bands, my dearest Ttotals. After all, a hazy drone emanates from both bands, as do ferocious fits of feisty instrumentation and spacey, out there vocals. Hookworms is certainly not for the faint of heart. Just the awesome at heart.
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