Sounds of Hopscotch 2012 #1: Naked Gods

Hopscotch is a long weekend-long festivus of musical goodness, and the closer it gets the more excited I get about it. The lineup is so good that I won't be able to see all of the wondrous bands I'd like to, dangit. Sounds of Hopscotch shares the bands that I've got my eye on, and that regardless of whether or not you'll be in Raleigh for the fest, you really ought to get to know as well.

Some band bios can really suck, but I love the bio Naked Gods has up on the official Hopscotch site. Obviously, if someone says that a band is a little bit "Super Furry Animals getting their Wilco on," I'm definitely on board. And I'll tell y'all what, that assessment isn't off the mark one bit. Naked Gods has that infinitely likeable oddball vibe to them, as do those wacky Super Furries, but sound a little less spacey and a little more twangy (i.e. the Wilco factor). They sound fun, and who doesn't like fun?

mp3: Shaq & Diane (Naked Gods from No Jams)


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