Super Furryism #3
For those that don't know, this blog borrows its' name from the title of the debut long player record by wily Welsh cosmic psych poppers Super Furry Animals. As far as I'm concerned, that's certainly reason enough to start talking about them at random times, and for no real reason other than just because I darned well feel like it.
As aspect of the Super Furries that used to vex me and now makes me happy is the band's refusal to abandon using their native Welsh in their music. There's a magic to Welsh, not only in the way it looks but the way it sounds. The band released an entire record in the Welsh language, which even for indie standards is sort of thumbing your nose at convention just a touch. This little ditty, "Ymaelodi a'r Ymylon," sounds a bit like running into the forest after the white rabbit and ending up, inexplicably, getting trapped by a gang of technicolor elves who insist upon ringing around your rosey with pockets full of hallucinogenic posies. Naturally.
Add a little Welsh to your Monday, won't you?
Add a little Welsh to your Monday, won't you?
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