The Untitled Interview #180: Starring Sam Ubl (Fort Lean)

Of all the songs I've heard out there so far this year, Fort Lean's "Sunsick" has officially risen to become one of my official jams. It is slick. It is catchy. And I bet it gets the kids all sorts of dancin.' Their official site proclaims "The weather's perfect all the time," and listening to that song I can almost buy into that whole perfect weather thing, even as I sit looking out a window into weather that is anything but.

The Brooklyn band will be bringing their hot live action to the stage here in DC this evening (Black Cat, Black Cat), and I hope to see your sassy selves there. In the meantime, please enjoy the meanderings below with Fort Lean's keeper of the beat Sam Ubl. Without further ado...  


AS A MOVIE: Fort Lean is...Rumble Fish. 

AS A DRINK: Fort Lean (specifically Sam) is..."Sam Fizzy" -- a popular concoction (invented by me) in which alcohol (any kind) is mixed with equal parts effervescent non-alcoholic beverage (any kind). 

AS A WEATHER EVENT: Fort Lean is...Nuclear winter. 

AS AN OBSCURE VINTAGE LP: Fort Lean is...James Brown - Sex Machine

AS A MOMENT IN HISTORY: Fort Lean is...The invention of Hollandaise sauce. 


AS A SPOT IN DC: Fort Lean is...FDR Memorial. 

AS A VIDEO GAME/CHARACTER THEREIN: Fort Lean is...Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (Sega Genesis version). 

AS A WORK OF LITERATURE: Fort Lean is...Boswell's Life of Johnson

AS A HISTORICAL FIGURE: Fort Lean is...Samuel Johnson. 


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