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Sounds Of MACRoCk #2: The Demon Beat
Early April in the Western Virginia mountains, friends, there’s nothin’ finer. Well, perhaps if you throw in a weekend’s worth of great bands. Oh hey, that’s exactly what happens every year at the Mid-Atlantic College Radio Conference, otherwise known as MACRoCk. I went to my first MACRoCk last year and had such a grand ole time that I’m heading back down once again. Here’s a sampling of the bands that I’ll be taking in, and the bands you should get to know even if you’re not getting your MACRoCk on.
On occasion it's possible to run into a band that's got a name that should only belong to them. The Demon Beat is one such band. For you see, lords and ladies, the West Virginians have a certain hellfire to their sound, as though they've been runnin' with the Devil and ridin' the highway to Hell, swillin' purest moonshine all the while. It's an unholy racket that simmers with fire and brimstone, and I all sorts of dig it.
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