The Untitled Interview #173 – SXSW Edition: Starring Psychic Ills

One of the first harbingers of Spring is not, in fact, the adorable, fluffy robins hopping along looking for worms or the bold yellow bursts of daffodils blooming. Sure, the longer days and Daylight Savings Time act as pretty good indicators. But they're not what I had in mind. Nay, friends, one of the first signs of the new season is SXSW, the week of music and mayhem down in Austin. I wrangled some of the bands I'd want to see, if I was going, to get their take on this year's installment of South by Southwest.

When listening to Psychic Ills, it's possible that you might feel any or all of the following symptoms: Disorientation, dizziness, confoundedness, delirium. Don't worry, don't fret. It's to be expected. Their droning, hazy, swirling dirges into the unfamiliar and the psychedelic are things to behold, friends. The Ills are taking their witches brew down to Austin, and Tres Warren and Elizabeth Hart opine on all things SXSW below.

Fuzzy Logic: How are you getting to SXSW: plane, train, or automobile?
TW: Automobile--van of some sort-jamming econo. Heading south by southwest.

FL: Inevitably, you will forget to pack:

EH: Hopefully nothing!

FL: How many showcases/parties will you be playing?

TW: 4 or 5 in Austin, but we’re on tour before and after so about 19 altogether.

FL: Band you're most looking forward to seeing at the festival?
TW: Oh man, haven’t even checked to see who’s playing yet. We’ll grab the Chronicle when we get in and put our ears to the ground.

FL: What's the first thing you plan on doing upon arrival in Austin?
TW: Get some Mexican food, head to a dive on South Lamar, or depending on the weather, jump in the water somewhere.

FL: What was the first festival you ever attended, either as a musician or member of the general public?
EH: Mayfest in Ft. Worth, Texas. The Allman Brothers played one night, I was very young

FL: Favorite thing about festivals?
TW: Funnel Cake?
EH: Too many options of who to see.


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