Singles Club: These United States

Y'all, it has been entirely, completely, and ridiculously too long since I've eschewed the virtues of my favorite former DC Americana space folkster troubadourians These United States. I'd hereby like to amend this right here and now with the following words on their newest jam "Dead & Gone," from their fifthcoming 5th release (yes, I do believe I said fifthcoming, I've had a little wine tonight) that will by all accounts be self-titled.

The song gets me muchly excited to hear the rest of this album that looms ahead, friends. The sounds that come forth now are classic These United States, lively and buoyant and full of Jesse Elliott's learned lyricism and distinctive, hearthside warm vocals. Who knew a song about demise could sound so...alive? Listen and love it, y'all. And happy weekend one and all.


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