Crossing The Pond: The Cosmic Dead

I know what you're going to say. And to a certain extent, you might be right. Yes, The Cosmic Dead is from my adopted homeland Scotland (Glasgow, to be exact). And yes, The Cosmic Dead makes seriously, spookily spine-tingling psych rock in a seriously epic manner. In a way, you're absolutely right. I was pretty much destined to like, nay, love them.

The band calls themselves a Psych/Drone/Space/Krautrock collective, and that's close to bang on. But there's so much more to their sound than those four words can even hope to cover. The ground they cover musically is impossible to fathom, so rich and expansive are their spacey, experimental rovings. The Cosmic Dead will take you places, friend, and that's for real. This band knows which pill makes you smaller, and probably a whole lot of other magical things, so let them show you the way.


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