Xmas Gift Guide 2011: Kitty Scratching Record Player

We all know about the little furry apple of mine eye, Bear Bryant. We all also know how much I love vinyl/my record player. Some of you might already know where this is going. Insound, those darling purveyors of all sorts of vinyl/band merch goodness, have for sale one of the most amazing, most silly, most hilarious things I've ever seen. Yes, friends, it is indeed a scratching record player.
For my little monster, this is probably not the best idea in the world, seeing as he's prone to scratching anything and everything. I don't want him to have this and feel inclined to get his scratch on for realsies with my LP collection. That would be bad news for all involved, and would not end well. However, if you've got someone on your list with a slightly less insane furball in their household, this might just be the Best Gift Ever.
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