Live Review: AM & Shawn Lee @ Black Cat, 9/21/2011

My first observation, of course, was that AM's stache had gotten even bigger, even more inhabited by the spirit of a suave 70s someone. And in person, Shawn Lee's cascade of silvery waterfall hair is even more impressive than you might imagine. It shines, friends. As, you would probably expect, does the combined musical forces of these two. The warm, vintage sounds that AM favors blend perfectly with the beats of Mr. Lee, creating this lovely, golden glow with a groove...that you can dance to. AM stole my heart when, before the second song of the set, he asked for more reverb. They sounded pretty fine together, did those two, as their sounds collided.
I was pleased to see how pleased Lee looked while their set was going, and I was also pleased with just how sassypants AM was during certain songs. Before "Dark Into Light," AM stated to us that "you guys look like you're ready to sing along with us," and as it happened, AM was right. The song itself has quite a party vibe, with lots of bass, a kicky little groove, and AM's dusty breed of baby blue-eyed soul. It was at that point that I realized that I loved what I was hearing.
Rarely have I been so happy about leaving the house in the midst of a mean case of the blues. Take it from me, friends, when AM & Shawn Lee roll into town, be sure you get out there and see them. You shan't regret it.
mp3: Dark Into Light (AM & Shawn Lee from Celestial Electric)
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