Free For All: Generationals

It's hardly a secret that I'm kinda sorta a fan of those lively New Orleansians Generationals. But really, can y'all blame me? Those gracious bayou boys offered up a free EP's worth (so very adorably entitled Medium Rarities) of goodies not long ago, and just in case you didn't get your mitts on the songage back then, allow me to remind you to do so now. Medium Rarities offers up four tracks full of the Generationals tried and true summertime neon jangling. High marks go to the Richard Swift remix of "When They Fight, They Fight," a treatment that makes the song sound straight out of a silly cult 80s movie, as well as the dynamic "Green Leaf Black Heart," full of that shimmying stutterstep the band does so very well. All four songs are, naturally, well worth your while.
mp3: Green Leaf Black Heart (Generationals from Medium Rarities)
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