The Untitled Interview #161 – Hopscotch Edition: Starring Gauntlet Hair
In medieval times, you could either (or perhaps both) take up the gauntlet or throw down the gauntlet. I think Coloradoans Gauntlet Hair probably do a little of both. Their electropartyrock is lively and pretty, but at the same time doesn't mess around. The more I hear, the more I like. Gauntlet Hair's dastardly duo Andy and Craig talk festivals below, and I sure do hope Craig got him a funnel cake while he was in Raleigh.
Fuzzy Logic: How are you getting to Hopscotch: plane, train, or automobile?
Gauntlet Hair: Plane.
FL: Inevitably, you will forget to pack:
GH: Hopefully nothing.
FL: How many shows will you be playing?
GH: One.
FL: Band you're most looking forward to seeing at the festival?
Andy: Swans.
Craig: Cold Cave, Earth, Tyvek, and our Woodsman buddies.
FL: What's the first thing you plan on doing upon arrival in Raleigh?
Andy: Drinking heavily.
Craig: Sleeping heavily.
FL: What was the first festival you ever attended, either as a musician or member of the general public?
Andy: Lallapolooza (14 y.o.).
Craig: Blues Fest with my parents since I can remember.
FL: Favorite thing about festivals?
Craig: Funnel cakes.
mp3: I Was Thinking (Gauntlet Hair - more here)
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