The Untitled Interview #145 – BiMA.fest Edition: Starring Jinsen Liu (28 Degrees Taurus)

Another band Irene kept me from enjoying hails from Boston. 28 Degrees Taurus, in their own words, describes their musical output as "somewhere between the late 60s, early 90s and all the gorgeously catchy cheese in between." Sounds pretty daggum good, right? Yeah, I thought so too. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that they come back, preferably when there's not a hurricane also in town. I'll say it again, stupid hurricane. Read on for singer/guitarist Jinsen Liu's festival thoughts.
Fuzzy Logic: Band you're most looking forward to seeing at the festival?
Jinsen Liu: Thrushes.
FL: What's the first thing you plan on doing upon arrival in Baltimore?
JL: Check out all the hot girls in the downtown district...I think it's called "Powerplant Live"...or the point...forget from last time.
FL: What was the first festival you ever attended, either as a musician or member of the general public?
JL: Lollapalooza in the 90s when it first started...set the tone for the rest of my life...
FL: Favorite thing about festivals?
JL: Brings tons of different people of different backgrounds and interests together. We also organize our own festival up in boston called "Deep Heaven Now"'s a psych/shoegaze festival.
mp3: Electricity (28 Degrees Taurus from All The Stars In Your Eyes)
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