The Untitled Interview #132 – STPP Fest Edition: Starring Omer Leibovitz (Courtesy Tier)

Two-man bands are a wonderful thing indeed, friends. The best of these dastardly duos can harness incredible power, and Brooklyn’s Courtesy Tier is no exception. Heartfelt, scuzzy, gritty bluesy rock propel out of their hands into the lucky ears of those who happen to be listening. If I was a betting kinda girl, I’d bet these two gents really know how to throw down live and in person. Check ‘em out this weekend and we can all see if I’m right. Oh, but I don’t accept personal checks y’all. Below, Omer Leibovitz gets his festival chatter on.
Fuzzy Logic: Inevitably, you will forget to bring:
Omer Leibovitz: Our set list, our sunglasses and as usual our phone charger.
FL: Band you're most looking forward to seeing at the festival?
OL: The Yes Way, Sami The Great, Great Elk, The Press.
FL: What's the first thing you plan on doing upon arrival in DC?
OL: Jumping out of the van and giving Dave Mann a big juicy hug.
FL: What was the first festival you ever attended, either as a musician or member of the general public?
OL: First festival we ever attended was called The Church of Love and Music when we were 19. We were booked to play with our old band. Opened for Vince Welnick of the Grateful Dead. We were messy!
FL: Favorite thing about festivals?
OL: The community and the awesome amount of music.
mp3: Cold (Courtesy Tier – more here)
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