The Untitled Interview #125 – STPP Fest Edition: Starring Donny Potter (Loose Lips)

There’s a whole lotta good bands partaking in the fest, and one of my favorite local live bands just so happens to be part of the shindig. Loose Lips can rock a party like nobody’s business, and their loud, punchy riffs and sassy aggression make them a band not to be missed this weekend. Below, mouthpiece Donny Potter ponders the state of DC festivals, and advises the out of town bands on enjoying this great city (not to mention doling out some great Metro advice).
Fuzzy Logic: Why do you think it’s been so hard to get a festival going here in DC?
Donny Potter: I'm sure it's really hard to put on a festival anywhere. DC is obviously not nearly the music mecca that NYC is, for example, so that makes it a lot harder to attract the bands and a sizable audience. I do think people have pulled off successful festivals in DC in the past. For example, the guys (and lady) involved in planning last summer's Done and Done festival did an amazing job, but for various reasons they're not doing it again this year. I think it's basically the lack of a vibrant scene coupled with the fact that, if you're doing it right, it's just a ton of work with very little financial reward. Everyone in this city is just too busy working to pay the bills.
FL: Band you're most looking forward to seeing at the festival?
DP: I heard a rumor that Mittenfields are playing now which I hope is true because they're all amazing musicians and great guys but I haven't had the chance to see them play since they reformed. I'm really curious about what they've been up to, musically.
FL: What was the first festival you ever attended, either as a musician or member of the general public?
DP: I'm pretty sure the first festival I attended was the Tibetan Freedom Concert at RFK Stadium in 1998. The lineup was amazing: Beastie Boys, Sonic Youth, REM, Pearl Jam, Red Hot Chili Peppers, A Tribe Called Quest, and Pulp among others. Oh and this one up and coming band called Radiohead played a really impressive set in the afternoon. I wonder whatever happened to them? Seriously though, it was awesome 13 years ago, but imagine if that was Lollapalooza's lineup this year. People would lose their shit.
FL: What would you advise the out-of-towners to see/do while they’re in DC?
DP: Be a tourist! Check out some monuments, go to some museums, take a band picture in front of the White House, take a segway tour, go to the zoo, buy a t-shirt! Doing touristy shit is severely underrated and this is one of the best cities for it. Just stay the fuck on the right side if you're going to just stand on the metro escalator, goddammit! Also, if you're serious about beer you'll have to check out Churchkey.
FL: Favorite thing about festivals?
DP: The quality and quantity of music is the most important thing. STPP Fest will have those, plus intimate venues. I'm excited.
mp3: #1 Ray Gun (Loose Lips from the Lower Your Expectations and Be Happy EP) (thanks to the bitchin’ Perfect Porridge)
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