Otherwise Engaged: Those Darlins

So tonight is one of those nights where one is inclined to make pouty faces and whine about how it's not fair that there's SO MUCH good shit going on in DC and environs and that making tough decisions is hard. For instance, on any other night, I'd be totally all about going to see badass chickadees (and token maleage) Those Darlins. I mean, having seen them live already I know what a great show they put on, but I just can't see them tonight at Jammin Java because I've been promised elsewhere. DANGIT. So for those who are indecisive, and dig sassypants ladies and their whiskey-laced antics, I recommend to you Those Darlins. They're touring their new LP, and I'm pretty sure it's gonna be dynamite. The show and the record, to clarify.
mp3: Screws Get Loose (Those Darlins from Screws Get Loose)
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