Our Daily Vinyl #4: Leon Russell

Fresh from their successful jaunt down to Austin to partake in and participate in the otherworldly wonder that is Austin Psych Fest, it's time for some more vinyl musings from Richmond's finest psychsmiths, The Diamond Center. In this episode, Kyle Harris talks Leon Russell. And y'all know how yours truly feels about the legendary Leon Russell...
"Leon Russell - and the Shelter People - I've had this one on cassette, CD, and vinyl. My Mom and my Dad both love Leon, as do I. There is something about the sound of this record, especially "Stranger in a Strange Land" that just makes you want to throw all your marbles in the river and start over. It has to be one of the earliest appearances of a Moog on a pop/rock recording. Plus - "Mad Dogs and Englishmen." I mean, c'mon. It's a biography of the tour!"
mp3: Caraway (The Diamond Center from the Caraway/20 Twin 7")
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