Otherwise Engaged: Starfucker/Casiokids

Oh, Spring. You're such a tease. Don't let the Winter weather fool you, my loves, this is most assuredly Spring. How do I know? Because there are too many daggum good shows all at the same time, that's how. For instance, you might find yourself unsure of which awesome show to go to Wednesday evening. One of your choices is the super radness of thinking-man dance maniacs Starfucker, coming to spread their rainbow-flavored rollicking roller disco lusciousness with a serious side. all over this here city. They've been mercifully released from SXSW-related incarceration to spread their party love to the masses. Go forth and have a grand ole time.
mp3: Death As a Fetish (Starfucker from Reptilians)
Go to the Starfucker show, they are incredible live and you won't regret it.