Megan's Top 70 of 2010: #3 - Weekend

The manner in which I fell in love with the Weekend album Sports was rather unusual. For the first few listens, I only listened to "Coma Summer." Then, I only listened to "Youth Haunts." And then, only "Monday Morning." Every few days it was a different song. And every few days, I fell deeper down the Weekend rabbit hole. Sports is an almost unfathomably wonderful record, my little warm fuzzies. There is a richness to it, a warmth, this despite the cutting precision and decimating distortion that courses through its veins. My first love, "Coma Summer," is an epic mess of the aforementioned distortion, along with muddy vocals and an unrelenting exuberance. Contrast that with "Youth Haunts," a haunting echo of a song very much akin to those LET favorite sons A Place To Bury Strangers with a cruel crackle and raging bull aggression. A few songs later, along comes "Age Class," building a wall of hypnotic, monotonous drum beat with a whole lot of increasingly loud, ferocious guitar riffs. And "End Times," well, that might be my most favorite of a record of favorites. There's a hint of the pop meets post punk of early Joy Division to it, and it practically bounces off the walls. The way Weekend constructed these songs is nothing short of magical. Sports is magnificent I tell you. Simply magnificent.
mp3: Coma Summer (Weekend from Sports)
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